Heyla, Dai. I've just been looking at your two
new Escarpment paintings - oh what glorious colours. And then I look at 'Heart' that I painted before I went to Germany but needed to live with for a while before I put it up. It's dark, it's dark - so I didn't like it at first but I do now because it's right as it is, it has to be dark. I've put it on the Aja site. It's part of the Change series.
Mmmm ..... but now it's the cold light of day again, I like it as little as I did before. It's an ugly picture. Maybe I'll throw it in the bin and delete it. Will think about it just a bit longer.
Another day later - I still don't like it, it's so ugly. But it's painful and pain is ugly. Anyhow, can't bin it yet because it's in Leeds and I'm not.