Friday, 29 February 2008

Under Rubbles 294 by Itsuki Matayoshi

Itsuki said this was a series, too, but I didn't see these. He did some other versions of this one in photoshop, and I put one on the ajagap site.
I know that you paint differently from Itsuki, but there is something in both your works that I absolutely love and get lost in. This one reminds me of your work even though it's so different.

Weaker Vessels by Itsuki Matayoshi

This one was done in 2001 but he did a whole series of these. I remember him doing some before he left Oxford at the beginning of 2000.

'Sanctity' by Itsuki Matayoshi

Heyla, Dai - I'm thrilled to be getting pictures from Itsuki again, so wanted to share them with you. I've put them on the ajagap site but pictures are better on here because you can click to make them bigger. I must sort out the other site so you can do that there, too, but no time yet.

Will post a few more as separate posts.